Wednesday, July 1, 2009

At the Halfway Point

We're halfway through the NCE Conference. The second day went a little smoother than the first.

In the morning there was a hike scheduled for the missionaries and their families, because although rain was forecasted for the day, it wasn't forecasted until early afternoon. Fortunately, the rain didn't start until everyone was loading into vehicles to return. As Wendy put it, it was an "American hike," because it was only five kilometers long. Most of the team went, but Heather and I stayed behind to practice music for the two sessions later that day.

After lunch the kids made books with foam covers for use during small group while Heather led the worship session for the adults with me on harmony. When we returned upstairs Heather led worship with the kids, with Hanna Szymczak and I doing motions on the songs that had them.

After worship Hanna and Andrew performed another skit, this one on prayer. Heather led some short games afterwards, and then it was time for dinner.

After dinner Heather led another worship session with the adults while the kids watched "Milo & Otis" and then began "Nemo."

Prayer requests:
--Heather and the music
--We'll be taking the kids swimming tomorrow. Pray for their safety.
--We'll also be running a kids-and-adults activity session tomorrow night. Pray it goes well and the missionaries and MKs have a good time getting some bonding in with their families.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

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